Family visiting us

In April 22.-25. Elke, Siegfried, Elma, and Wolfgang visit us in Sydney. It follows a selection of photos that have been taken during this short period. See also our Monthly Report April 2004.

Siegfried and the Opera House

Elke and Siegfried

Claudia on Louise, the putt-putt

A glass on Milk Beach

Oysters and prawns on Milk Beach

Sunset over the city

The family in the QVB I

The family in the QVB II

Siegfried stays for 7 more days to experience by himself why Peter and Claudia are so fascinated by the kayaking. We start off with 2 days and 2 nights in Port Stephens, for its resident dolphins and because we want to slowly initiate Siegfried to the camping and the kayaking. He passes all tests :) Hence, we start for 3 days and 2 nights into the nature of Broken Bay. In Claudias kayak with its sail, Siegfried transforms into a little boy again who simply enjoys nature, wind, and water.

In Port Stephens

Look out between the heads

Kayaking along the beach


On top of the headland, looking out to sea

Sunset over Port Stephens

Siegfried and Kevin in a gauntlet

Claudia in high seas


In Berowra Creek

Entering Pittwater

The campsite at The Basin


At Lion Island