JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge

We write the 9 November 2005; see also our Monthly Report November 2005. The JP Morgan Fun Run is a competition between corporate teams. A team consists of four colleagues: females, male, or mixed. 7 colleagues of Claudia's company participate — only four of the seven results count in the team results. Our super athlete Alija makes us run around the local oval at the heat of the day at lunch time for weeks on end in the weeks leading up to the race. Each time, he tries to convince us that we could easily do a lap in 10 sec less time , or do another 300 m. Being the only two ladies, Susan and Claudia are crucial for the team since Alija figured that we would get better results in the mixed category. On the one hand it is nice to know that the colleagues need the ladies. On the other hand, Claudia doesn't particularly enjoy the fact that she is definitely the slowed runner in her team. Of course, Claudia could simply run faster... Or not: At kilometer 4,5 she feels being pushed close to her limit and only the knowing that the team needs her incites her to keep on running. As often, Peter joined the event as the "official" team photographer and takes pictures of the athletes before and after the race. See also the Web page of the JP Morgan CC and the Results page of Claudia's team.

Stephen stretching

Claudia concentrates before the race

The hair needs to be braided

When I jump, I am as tall as Stephen - In front of the start line - Susan still queing at the loo

Peter gets hold of Rob directly behind the finish line...

Peter would have censored this picture...

Susan and Claudia talking about the race

At the end of the day: Stephen, Michael, Claudia, Brian, Susan, Rob, Daniel